Want to feel like the best-seller version of yourself? Stock your shelves well with this self-inventory! Here’s what I mean…
Variety is key in life and integrating practices in different segments of your life to enhance your fulfillment, productivity and happiness can make all the difference in your quality of life. Below I am sharing a few areas you can self-inventory, but first:
This inventory is not graded, judged or otherwise scored so be honest with yourself! You don’t have to evaluate anything as “good” or “bad” but rather approach it from a feeling good where you are at or would love to see improvement perspective. The more real you can be with yourself, the more improvements you can make! This inventory is for you and you alone unless you decide to share it, and it is a powerful tool for taking your lifestyle to the next level if you truly commit to and engage with it.
Here are 7 Personal Development Areas Where You Should Consider Doing A Self-Inventory:
1. Career
Do I enjoy what I am doing? What parts of my job don’t feel like work? Is there anything I wish was different about my job? Am I appropriately challenged?
2. Education
What are my favorite topics to learn about? Do I have higher education goals? How do I learn best?
3. Fitness
Do I have enough variety incorporated into my workouts? Am I building in time to rest, recover and stretch (all are different stages)? What types of workouts do I enjoy most? What type of workout have I been wanting to try but haven’t yet? Does how I feel and look reflect the time and energy I put into my workouts?
4. Money
How do I prioritize spending versus saving? How’s my credit? Do I have an emergency fund? Am I financially prepared for retirement? Do I have, want or need a financial advisor?
5. Nutrition
How does my body feel and perform? How much water am I drinking? Am I taking proper supplements for my body and goals? How many servings of lean protein and vegetables and I getting daily? How much junk food am I consuming?
6. Relationships
Do I feel supported? Do I trust the people in my circle? Can I be myself around the people I am surrounded by? Do I feel good about myself when I am with the people in my life? Do I feel I am lacking anything in my relationships?
7. Spirituality
What are my beliefs? Am I surrounding myself with people and information that reflect my beliefs? How am I including spirituality in my daily life? What do I feel I am missing in my spirituality?
Now Comes The Fun Part!
Once you have completed your inventory, identify your top three areas to focus on, and create goals for each along with a timeline of completion for each. For example, let’s say you want to learn more about leadership, and you decide that podcasts and books are how you want to learn. You can set a goal for yourself that by the end of 2024, you will listen to 120 podcast episodes and read 12 books about leadership.
Most people stop there – but don’t!
The Next Step Is Goal Setting.
It’s time to reverse engineer your goal into achievable steps. For example, a monthly breakdown would be 10 podcasts and 1 book per month – very attainable!
So each month on the first of the month, pick your book for the month (if you want to take it a step further you can divide the number of pages in the book by number of days in the month so you know how many pages to read daily), and pick your 10 podcast episodes for that month. Add those to your to do list, calendar or whatever other system you use to organize yourself and keep yourself on track.
As you pick your book and podcasts for the following month, you can check in and make sure you completed the previous month as well. By the end of the year, when you follow this system, you will reach your goals!
By taking a self-inventory your empower yourself to grow, shift and change in alignment with your priorities.
Every chapter in our life requires different focus, and by reflecting and creating more direction for self-fulfillment you can become the best-seller version of you.