Avoid These 10 Common Dieting Mistakes for Lasting Weight Loss Success

Are You Struggling with Your Weight Loss Journey?

Discover the 10 most common dieting mistakes that could be hindering your progress and learn how to overcome them for sustainable results.

There are a plethora of dieting mistakes that people make on their weight loss journey. Some of the most common dieting mistakes that make it harder to lose weight include:

  1. Not having the right information for your nutrition journey

  2. Treating your nutritional intake as a diet aka having a short-sighted mindset

  3. Following a plan that is too restrictive/doesn’t have enough nutrients/imbalanced macros

  4. Not enough sleep

  5. Mismanaged stress

  6. Lack of accountability

  7. Focusing on what you cannot have instead of what you can

  8. Not planning ahead

  9. Not drinking enough water

  10. And not being in the right mindset

Weight loss, weight gain, and general health are achieved through creating healthier habits. 

While there are specific measurables that can be used to assess health (BMI, waist circumference, body fat percentage), by evaluating current habits and then analyzing ways to improve upon those habits is the best long-term strategy that is approachable, manageable and sustainable. 

The good news? These 10 common weight loss mistakes can be rectified with proper information, guidance and implementation…

So How Can I Fix My Weight Loss Mistakes?

To break bad habits and create healthier ones, first you want to first establish a baseline of where you are currently at, and then assess what your goals are. 

Once you are clear on those, it creates a natural pathway to go from one space to the other. Most people are great in certain areas and lacking in others, so identifying those two areas for yourself is helpful when trying to create healthier habits. 

By using what is already working for you, you can stack new healthier habits on top of your current good habits. 

For example, let’s say you love to workout in the morning (a good healthy habit) but you aren’t eating until it is almost lunchtime (an area for improvement). You can explore best nutrition for pre- and post- workout fuel and add those into your routine. Once that becomes a habit, you tackle the next area where you want to see improvement.

Over time, small habits incorporated and consistently implemented will add up to big results.

There is a lot of (conflicting) information available about weight loss. If you don’t know where to start, or need more accountability, consult with a health coach or nutritionist. Many professionals in this space offer services ranging from one-time consultations to ongoing accountability sessions. 

Just like athletes rely on coaches and billionaires hire financial advisors, a certified coach or nutritionist can help you streamline your efforts to build healthier habits specific to your goals to maximize your time, energy, money and results.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Health And Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals With Expert Guidance and Support?

There is a lot of (conflicting) information available about weight loss. If you don’t know where to start, or need more accountability, consult with a health coach or nutritionist. Many professionals in this space offer services ranging from one-time consultations to ongoing accountability sessions. 

Just like athletes rely on coaches and billionaires hire financial advisors, a certified coach or nutritionist can help you streamline your efforts to build healthier habits specific to your goals to maximize your time, energy, money and results.

Want me to be your coach? Click here to get started. Together we will take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Before you go, I’d love to hear from you and learn about your personal health challenges. Send me a message and share what you’re struggling with right now.

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