Sometimes people think hiring and working with a coach will be too expensive, too overwhelming, or not what they need. I get it – I thought the same thing before I hired my first coach. That said, a little review and cleanup is always beneficial to make sure your actions are aligned with your intentions. And sometimes – many times – most times, an outside perspective is EXACTLY what is needed.
I am offering a spring cleaning for your healthy habits! This consists of an initial assessment to review your health, history, current practices, and your goals, from which I will create a recommendation including actionable steps to take to become the best and healthiest version of you!
If this one-time consultation sound like something you would be interested in, email me at and I will share more details with you!
PS: This is different from coaching because it is a one-time commitment versus a long-term relationship. It is a snapshot of steps versus a series of sessions. This is also a great way to dip your toes into the coaching pool to determine if hiring a coach would be a good fit! It will help you assess whether the outside perspective, experience, knowledge or accountability that a coach brings over time with intention and strategy is going to be the best next step for you, or if the plan created can be implemented through your own discipline and desire.