What Are EAAs and Should You Use Them?

To Supplement Or Not To Supplement – That Is The Question… 

I’ve asked myself this a lot. I knew a lot of people who were supplementing with more than a multivitamin – using terms like creatine, BCAAs, EAAs. But I didn’t have a great track record with supplements because they either didn’t make me feel good, I didn’t see results, or I just didn’t try them.

Then in August 2023 a brand I believe in rolled out EAAs – essential amino acids – and I decided to give them a try.

In all honesty I was not expecting to notice any difference – and I was pleasantly surprised to actually notice changes right away. 

I kept a 30-day diary of how I felt and the changes I noticed once I started taking EAAs – things like feeling more energetic, being less sore after intense workouts, being more regular, and even hair growth! As big of a skeptic as I was, these EAAs totally changed my mind.

So What Are Essential Amino Acids – And What Are The Benefits of Taking EAAs? 

Well, essential means your body doesn’t produce it on its own so you have to ingest it through food (which would require way too much calculation on my end to make sure I would be eating all the things in the necessary quantities to get the benefits) or supplements. 

Typically animal protein the best source for EAAs, including meat, seafood, poultry, eggs and dairy. There are 9 amino acids that are essential and they are basically the building blocks of proteins in your body. In addition to building muscle, they help regulate immune function, improve mood, and help with nutrient absorption. 

Many people take them to help with athletic performance, and they also help with hormones and aging! Because we lose 8% muscle mass per decade after the age of 40, finding a way to maintain and increase muscle mass has long-term benefits.

Because I care about what I put into my body, here is what I look for in my supplements (and have found with the brand of EAAs I take):

Clean ingredients – no fillers, no sugars

  1. Full disclosure of ingredients – if it says “proprietary blend” or something similar on the label, I’m not taking it. I want to know what I am putting in my body!

  2. Quality ingredients – free from artificial colors, flavors!

  3. Stimulant free – I don’t like that jittery feeling from caffeine and sugars so I love that my EAAs deliver energy without the shakes!

So Who Should Take EAAs? 

In my opinion – everyone! 

I now treat my EAAs like I do a multivitamin – I take them daily. I take one scoop in the morning after my first meal, and then another scoop within 15 minutes of my workout. 

I have seen so many benefits from my supplementation with EAAs that I am now looking into other supplements to complement my healthy habits. So if you are active or aging, EAAs can benefit you!

If you want to learn more you can always talk to me here.

Want to Know More About The EAAs I Use? Send me a message!

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